
Rich as a lannister
Rich as a lannister

rich as a lannister

Major book and show spoilers ahead, so take necessary precautions! 15 Casterly Rock While we're waiting for The Winds of Winter and season 7, let's take a look at some of these little-known pieces of Lannister trivia. Take, for instance, the Lannister war against the Iron Islands, or the catalyst for Lord Reyne's rebellion against his liege lord. Unfortunately, as well as we've gotten to know Westeros's richest family, there are still so many things the series hasn't been able to cover. With most of their family dead or dying, it doesn't strain credulity to posit that the Lannisters may very well end up like their old rivals, the Reynes of Castamere. But as fans who saw the season 6 finale will know, the Lannisters have reached the highest rung on the ladder-but at a heavy price. The Lannisters have unofficially ruled the seven kingdoms for years whether they were Hands, Kings, Queens, or even Masters of Coin, the lions of Casterly Rock have been determined to stay on top of fortune's wheel no matter what. Even the Machiavellian Cersei has human motives behind her inhuman acts of cruelty. Conversely, despite pushing a little boy out of a window, Jaime really does have a heart. Tyrion, everyone's favorite master of sass, is not as innocent as we'd like him to be.

rich as a lannister

Set up at the very beginning of the series as antagonists to the Stark family, the ensuing four books and five seasons have demonstrated that the Lannisters are more complex than we originally believed. Ah, the Lannisters: the family we love to hate and hate to love.

Rich as a lannister